I am using Ontology for recognition of user activities....I have an ontology(OWL) consisting of the various classes i will be using along with the object properties.....
i am new to ontology and am confused even after readin a lot about it....
What i understand is that a class is defined in relation to another class using various propeties...so is there anyway i can check whether the objects of a particular class are anyway related to another class..What i wanna ask is how do I check whether an ABox is consistent with the terminological part of the ontology(the TBox as i understand).....
i have used protege for making my ontology and also tried using jena and pellet reasoner along with its GUI version SWOOP to check the consistency.....
I am completely confused and have no clue what to use...
I have used the Jena API to deal with Ontologies created by Protege before. Jena is, admittedly confusing. However, these are resources that I used to help figure it out:
In order to figure out how it worked, we did some spikes where we created a very simple OWL file and wrote some Java using Jena to see how we would be able to get what we needed. The code was throw-away, but it allowed us to learn a bit about OWL files and the Jena API in an idealized context.