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Triggering events in twisted from another thread

I have an application which, for convenience (I am reusing existing code) has been split into two different threads:

  • one thread running the twisted reactor
  • another thread running an interactive menu

One of the things I want to perform from the interactive menu is to interact with the reactor. Once the user gives a specific command, I want to trigger a twisted event. Here is a very simplified version of my code:

from   twisted.spread                   import pb
from   twisted.internet                 import reactor
import threading

class TaskGatewaySupport():

    def __init__(self):
        self.object = None
        self.factory = pb.PBClientFactory()
        self.connector = None

    def gotObject(self, object):
        print 'gotObject > %s' % object
        self.object = object
        return object

    def gotData(self, data):
        return data

    def gotNoObject(self, reason):
        print 'gotNoObject > no object: %s' % reason

    def connect(self, task_gateway_host = '', task_gateway_pb_port = 8889):
        print 'Connecting to %s:%s' % (task_gateway_host, task_gateway_pb_port)
        self.connector=reactor.connectTCP(task_gateway_host, task_gateway_pb_port, self.factory)
        d = self.factory.getRootObject()
        d.addCallbacks(self.gotObject, self.gotNoObject)
        return d

def Menu(task_gateway_support):
    while True:
        print '''

        A) Connect

        choice = raw_input('Option > ')
        if choice == 'A' : task_gateway_support.connect()
        else             : print "ERR: command not yet supported"

def version1():
    task_gateway_support  = TaskGatewaySupport()
    thread = threading.Thread(target = Menu, args = (task_gateway_support,))

def version2():
    task_gateway_support  = TaskGatewaySupport()
    d = task_gateway_support.connect()

if __name__ == '__main__':

As you can see, I am showing two different versions:

  • version1 is the one I want to run, but it does not
  • version2 has only one thread, and it is not interactive

Running version2 will give this result:

Connecting to
gotObject > <twisted.spread.pb.RemoteReference instance at 0x88e734c>

Which is what I was expecting.

Running version1 will give this:

        A) Connect

Option > A
Connecting to

        A) Connect

Option > ^CgotNoObject > no object: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectError'>: An error occurred while connecting: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost'>: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.

What I am doing here is selecting option A, and since nothing happens, I press ^C, which shows the error message.

I think the problems appear because I am sharing an object in two different threads, and I am trying to trigger the twisted events from the non-twisted thread. I was hoping that, since the object is shared, the reactor would be aware of anything hapening to the object.

So my main question is: how can I trigger twisted events from another thread?


  • You should avoid using threads for this. See User interaction in twisted process for information about how to accept user input in a single thread.

    Apart from that, use reactor.callFromThread any time you want to call any Twisted API from a non-reactor thread.