I have a function in a struct that sorts a vector in the struct. But to compare two elements in the vector, I need value of another variable inside the same struct. I was wondering where I should keep the operator overload or the compare function for this sort to work. I've given a sample in the following paste.
struct Square{
int color; //value 1 to 10
struct State{
vector<Square> list;
int color_weight[] = {4,3,5,2,4,1,6,4,5,9}; //These values keep changing.
bool operator<(Square& a, Square& b);
void sortTheList();
bool State::operator<(Square& a, Square& b){
if (color_weight[a.color]< color_weight[b.color]){
return true;
return false;
void Square::sortTheList(){
This doesn't work, of course. I've tried many other signatures and scope for the comparison function but nothing seems to work.
Any idea what can be done here?
You would use a comparator that keeps a reference to the extra state that it needs, instead of operator<
. Something like this:
struct CompareWeight {
CompareWeight(int const * weight) : weight(weight) {}
bool operator()(Square const & lhs, Square const & rhs) {
return weight[lhs.color] < weight[rhs.color];
int const * weight;
void Square::sortTheList() {
std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), CompareWeight(color_weight));