I'd like to print my servers as listed. Like this:
Machine | Group | IP | Services
- Alpha | Public Server Group | | JBoss, Tomcat
- Public | Public Server Group | | JBoss, Tomcat
My XML is:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Group id="1" name="Public Server Group" username="root" password="mypasswd123" state="">
<GApp id="1" name="JBoss Servers" type="JBoss" path="/root/Desktop/jboss-as-7.0.2.Final/" state="">
<Server id="1" name="Alpha" ip="" path="/root/Desktop/jboss-as-7.0.2.Final/" username="" password="" state="" />
<Server id="2" name="Public" ip="" path="/root/Desktop/jboss-as-7.0.2.Final/" username="" password="" state="" />
<GApp id="2" name="Tomcat Servers" type="Tomcat" path="/root/Desktop/apache-tomcat-7.0.22/" state="">
<Server id="1" name="Alpha" ip="" path="/root/Desktop/apache-tomcat-7.0.22/" username="" password="" state="" />
<Server id="2" name="Public" ip="" path="/root/Desktop/apache-tomcat-7.0.22/" username="" password="" state="" />
I'm trying to do by this:
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
yXML = parse('/root/Desktop/gb/data/yConfig.xml')
print (' ')
print ('Machine | Group | IP | Services')
for AllConfigurations in yXML.getElementsByTagName('AllConfigurations'):
for DeployConfigurations in AllConfigurations.getElementsByTagName('DeployConfigurations'):
for Servers in DeployConfigurations.getElementsByTagName('Servers'):
for Group in Servers.getElementsByTagName('Group'):
for GApp in Group.getElementsByTagName('GApp'):
for Server in Group.getElementsByTagName('Server'):
print Server.getAttribute('name') + ' | ' + Group.getAttribute('name') + ' | ' + Server.getAttribute('ip') + ' | ' + GApp.getAttribute('type')
My result is:
Machine | Group | IP | Services
Alpha | Public Server Group | | JBoss
Public | Public Server Group | | JBoss
Alpha | Public Server Group | | JBoss
Public | Public Server Group | | JBoss
Alpha | Public Server Group | | Tomcat
Public | Public Server Group | | Tomcat
Alpha | Public Server Group | | Tomcat
Public | Public Server Group | | Tomcat
What should I do?
Its printing for every possibility. I can't align Services side-by-side, print for one IP and look like table.
Need help..
First of all, you cannot print the lines right away; rather store the data (as tuples) in a list (servers
). To group the services by machine / group / IP, you can use the itertools
function groupby
, specifying the first three fields as key tuple. (Before that, the list has to be sorted so groupby
finds all duplicates.) groupby
yields the key (3-tuple) and a generator for the rest of corresponding lines; here, we're interested in the unique values of the fourth value (the service), so we convert the values to a set
and join them by spaces.
The issue with aligning the table can be solved by using the string
function ljust
(left justify). I made a separate function to generalize the rendering of the header line and the data rows.
Here's the code:
from itertools import groupby
servers = []
for AllConfigurations in yXML.getElementsByTagName('AllConfigurations'):
for DeployConfigurations in AllConfigurations.getElementsByTagName('DeployConfigurations'):
for Servers in DeployConfigurations.getElementsByTagName('Servers'):
for Group in Servers.getElementsByTagName('Group'):
for GApp in Group.getElementsByTagName('GApp'):
for Server in Group.getElementsByTagName('Server'):
def line(machine, group, ip, services):
return " | ".join([machine.ljust(8), group.ljust(20), ip.ljust(15), services])
print line("Machine", "Group", "IP", "Services")
for server, services in groupby(sorted(servers), lambda server: server[0:3]):
print line("- " + server[0], server[1], server[2],
", ".join(service[3] for service in set(services)))
This prints
Machine | Group | IP | Services
- Alpha | Public Server Group | | JBoss, Tomcat
- Public | Public Server Group | | Tomcat, JBoss