The following code kills VB6 (sp6) with an 'unhandled exception fault in VB.exe' on two machines in the office on the line marked.
''# Form1.frm
Option Explicit
Private ArrayHolder As Class2
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set ArrayHolder = New Class2
Dim arr(3) As Long
arr(0) = 1
arr(1) = 2
arr(2) = 3
ArrayHolder.Add arr
End Sub
''# -----------------------------------------------------------
''# Class1.cls
Option Explicit
Private m_myArray() As Long
Public Property Get myArray() As Long()
myArray = m_myArray
End Property
Friend Property Let myArray(ByRef anArray() As Long)
m_myArray = anArray
End Property
''# -----------------------------------------------------------
''# Class2.cls
Option Explicit
Friend Function Add(newArray() As Long) As Class1
Dim oClass As Class1
Set oClass = New Class1
oClass.myArray = newArray <- This kills VB6 dead
MsgBox "passed"
End Function
From what I can tell on various websites I am passing an array correctly but am I actually doing it correctly, and why is it causing VB6 to die so horribly?
I don't have an answer, and certainly is a curious question, but why don't just add a method and move on?
'Passed the test
Public Sub LetMyArray(anArray() As Long)
m_myArray = anArray
End Sub
'oClass.MyArray = newArray ' <- This kills VB6 dead
oClass.LetMyArray newArray ' <- This works