Does anybody know what happened to the IETF draft regarding the standardization of the HTTP MAC access authentication scheme for OAuth 2.0 (draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac-00)?
This internet draft expired on 12 November 2011 and the IETF tracker tool doesn't tell whether this proposal has been dropped or there has been a follow-up.
I would be interested to know the most up-to-date status of this draft since I should implement MAC access token authentication for an OAuth 2.0 web service I have been working on.
Eran Hammer-Lahav, you there?
OK, figured that out myself asking Eran Hammer-Lahav directly on his blog.
A new draft is expected as soon as the IETF Working Group can figure out how to proceed.
The current status of the MAC Access Authentication draft is on Eran's github account.