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Need a "grid" of stackpanels to be used as a calendar

Ultimately, my aim is to have a grid (by grid I mean rows and columns, however it's achieved) of small stack panels to represent time intervals throughout a day. Not too disimilar from the following I suppose (simple calendar-type layout on the right):


I need a way of creating this grid dynamically and naming the panels appropriately for whenever an event is fired (to be specific - a drop event, each panel's drop event will be wired to the same method in which I must distinguish what panel (i.e. at what point in the day, and on what row) the item was dropped on).

Thanks a LOT for any help!



  • You probably won't get the full code to do that from here, but I can point you in the right direction.

    You are probably going to want to use nested ItemsControl. I have done something like this in the past where my outer ItemsControl for the Calendar was a Grid, and grid cell contained an inner ItemsControl with a StackPanel of TaskItems.

    The most important part is getting your data layer right. I used CalendarDayModel classes, which had a Date property and an ObservableCollection<TaskModel> list. It also had Commands to handle user events, such as double-click events.

    My outer ItemsControl was bound to the ObservableCollection<CalendarDayModel> and the inner ItemsControl were bound to the ObservableCollection<TaskModel>

    I have some examples of an ItemsControl here, but take note of the last example that uses a Grid.