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Magento date of birth field validation is not working properly

In Magento registration page validation is not allowing me to submit the form for some valid date's.

For example :-


the above date is not working for me. The field class are

input-text validate-custom validation-failed

I found js in the source like below

var customer_dob = new Varien.DOB('.customer-dob', false, '%m/%e/%y'); 

where may be the wrong.Can some anyone suggest me.

Mage version :


  • The error is found in /js/varien/js.js, line 438.

    var error = false, day = parseInt( || 0, month = parseInt(this.month.value) || 0, year = parseInt(this.year.value) || 0;

    Obviously, varien fell for the all too well-known parseInt Bug/Feature.

    In short, before ES5, all strings starting with 0 are treated as an octal/base-8 number. Since 08 doesn't exist in base-8, parseInt-ing it evaluates to 0.

    parseInt() happens to take a second optional argument indicating the base it should be using for the interpretation.

    parseInt('8');      // => 8
    parseInt('08');     // => 0
    parseInt('08', 10); // => 8

    So, the solution to your problem is to patch the line mentioned above to read

    var error = false, day = parseInt(, 10) || 0, month = parseInt(this.month.value, 10) || 0, year = parseInt(this.year.value, 10) || 0;
