Dim conn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Public Sub openDB()
conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\VFMS_DB.mdb;" & "Jet OLEDB:System Database=Security.mdw;User ID=Adster;Password=300624;")
End Sub
Public Function UpdateUser() As Integer
Dim retCode As New Integer
cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
The update command below keeps giving me this error: "Conversion from string "' WHERE [Username] = '" to type 'Double' is not valid." and I don't know why. The aUserName field is a String field and I checked to make sure it's populated.
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Users SET [First Name] = '" & aName & "', [Last Name] = '" & aSurname & "', [Contact Number] = '" & aContactNum & "', [Password] = '" & aPassword & "', [User Rights] = '" & aUserRights + "' WHERE [Username] = '" + aUserName + "' "
'rsAddRecs = rsConn.Execute("UPDATE Users ([First Name], [Last Name], [Contact Number], [User Name], [Password], [User Rights]) VALUES ('" & aName & "','" & aSurname & "','" & aContactNum & "','" & aUserName & "','" & aPassword & "','" & aUserRights & "')")
retCode = 0
Return retCode
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString, ex.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK)
retCode = 1
Return retCode
End Try
End Function
You have a typo. You're using + concat characters at the end of the sql string instead of & characters
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Users SET [First Name] = '" & aName & _
"', [Last Name] = '" & aSurname & _
"', [Contact Number] = '" & aContactNum & _
"', [Password] = '" & aPassword & "', [User Rights] = '" & _
aUserRights + "' WHERE [Username] = '" + aUserName + "' "
' ^ ^ ^
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Users SET [First Name] = '" & aName & _
"', [Last Name] = '" & aSurname & _
"', [Contact Number] = '" & aContactNum & _
"', [Password] = '" & aPassword & "', [User Rights] = '" & _
aUserRights & "' WHERE [Username] = '" & aUserName & "' "
' ^ ^ ^