I am using jQuerys "tmpl" plugin for templates. Now i have an array with elements that are arrays as well and i have to access specific elements.
i.e. the array would be:
var arr = {
'images': {'small':'34fge.jpg','original':'dfsdf354.jpg'}
And now in the temple i'd like to access arr[images][small] but it doesn't work. What i am trying is:
<img src="${arr}{images}{small}" />
Anyone any help/ideas?
Use <img src="${images.small}" />
that will give the following markup:
<img src="34fge.jpg">
In fact, the images
property isn't a nested array
but a object
with properties.
But if you really want to loop through a nested array, then you should use a nested template and change your syntax a little bit (note the [] around images property):
var arr = {
'id': 23422,
'title': 'example',
'images': [
{ 'small': '34fge.jpg', 'original': 'dfsdf354.jpg' },
{ 'small': '35fge.jpg', 'original': 'dfsdf.jpg' }
<script id="template" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
{{tmpl(images) "#imagesTemplate"}}
<script id="imagesTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<img src="${small}" />
<img src="${original}" />