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Disable AirPlay with MPMoviePlayerController

I have an instance of a MPMoviePlayerController which is being used to display some live streaming video on an iPhone app. This is working fine, however I wish to remove all AirPlay functionality.

To be sure, I specifically disable AirPlay like so:

if([self.moviePlayerController respondsToSelector:@selector(setAllowsAirPlay:)]) {
    self.moviePlayerController.allowsAirPlay = NO;

However, even with this code, I still see the AirPlay icon on the video controls. If I select this, and select my AppleTV, only the audio is sent over AirPlay - the video continues to play within the app. If I set allowsAirPlay to YES, both the video & audio are sent over AirPlay.

Does anyone know why this happens? Is this a feature of the OS, to allows allow the audio to be sent over AirPlay?


  • It turns out that the AirPlay icon is still visible (and should remain visible) so that audio can be routed to any suitable device, eg. a Bluetooth headset. Attempting to hide the icon is considered bad practice.