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How to make thread sleep less than a millisecond on Windows

On Windows I have a problem I never encountered on Unix. That is how to get a thread to sleep for less than one millisecond. On Unix you typically have a number of choices (sleep, usleep and nanosleep) to fit your needs. On Windows, however, there is only Sleep with millisecond granularity.

On Unix, I can use the use the select system call to create a microsecond sleep which is pretty straightforward:

int usleep(long usec)
    struct timeval tv;
    tv.tv_sec = usec/1000000L;
    tv.tv_usec = usec%1000000L;
    return select(0, 0, 0, 0, &tv);

How can I achieve the same on Windows?


  • On Windows the use of select forces you to include the Winsock library which has to be initialized like this in your application:

    WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1,0);
    WSADATA wsaData;
    WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData);

    And then the select won't allow you to be called without any socket so you have to do a little more to create a microsleep method:

    int usleep(long usec)
        struct timeval tv;
        fd_set dummy;
        FD_SET(s, &dummy);
        tv.tv_sec = usec/1000000L;
        tv.tv_usec = usec%1000000L;
        return select(0, 0, 0, &dummy, &tv);

    All these created usleep methods return zero when successful and non-zero for errors.