I am having trouble trapping an empty result set from FMDB. The code is below. I am getting NSLog's from the database opening and closing and NSLog "1" but none of the ones in the If statement! If I have data in the database its fine, but I want to trap and edit result if the database is empty.
[self openDatabase];
NSNumberFormatter *nfcurrency = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc]init];
[nfcurrency setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
[nfcurrency setLocale:[NSLocale currentLocale]];
FMResultSet *result = [[self getDatabase]executeQuery:@"SELECT BFNeeded FROM tblBets ORDER BY pk DESC LIMIT 1,1;"];
//FMResultSet *result = [[self getDatabase]executeQuery:@"SELECT BFNeeded FROM tblBets ORDER BY pk DESC LIMIT 1,1;"];
if (result == NULL) {
NSLog(@"Last BFNeeded Result = nil");
} else {
while ([result next]) {
NSString *lastBFNeeded = [nfcurrency stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[result doubleForColumn:@"BFNeeded"]]];
[self closeDatabase];
Continuing after getting first reply:
I can't get hasAnotherRow to work as expected. I have this code:
FMResultSet *result = [[self getDatabase]executeQuery:@"SELECT BFNeeded FROM tblBets ORDER BY pk DESC LIMIT 0,1;"];
if (result == nil) {
NSLog(@"Last BFNeeded Result = nil");
else {
NSLog(@"has results1: %@", [result hasAnotherRow] ? @"YES" : @"NO");
while ([result next]) {
NSLog(@"has results2: %@", [result hasAnotherRow] ? @"YES" : @"NO");
With a database that returns a result, I get result1 NO, result2 YES so I assume the hasAnotherRow must go inside the while ([result next]) loop. However with an empty database, I get result1 NO and it doesn't even get to result2!
the "result" will never be nil for a query that produces 0 rows.
also, you shouldn't compare object pointers to NULL
-- compare to nil
. See this question: NULL vs nil in Objective-C
try this:
FMResultSet *result = [[self getDatabase]executeQuery:@"SELECT BFNeeded FROM tblBets ORDER BY pk DESC LIMIT 1,1;"];
NSLog ( @"has results: %@", [result hasAnotherRow] ? @"YES" : @"NO" );