I was answering a question about the possibility of closures (legitimately) extending object-lifetimes when I ran into some extremely curious code-gen on the part of the C# compiler (4.0 if that matters).
The shortest repro I can find is the following:
Result: The compiler creates a closure-object that references the object that created the lambda, when it has no reason to - the 'inner' target of the delegate is a static method, and the lambda-creating-object's instance members needn't be (and aren't) touched when the delegate is executed. Effectively, the compiler is acting like the programmer has captured this
without reason.
class Foo
private Action _field;
public void InstanceMethod()
var capturedVariable = Math.Pow(42, 1);
_field = () => StaticMethod(capturedVariable);
private static void StaticMethod(double arg) { }
The generated code from a release build (decompiled to 'simpler' C#) looks like this:
public void InstanceMethod()
<>c__DisplayClass1 CS$<>8__locals2 = new <>c__DisplayClass1();
CS$<>8__locals2.<>4__this = this; // What's this doing here?
CS$<>8__locals2.capturedVariable = Math.Pow(42.0, 1.0);
this._field = new Action(CS$<>8__locals2.<InstanceMethod>b__0);
private sealed class <>c__DisplayClass1
// Fields
public Foo <>4__this; // Never read, only written to.
public double capturedVariable;
// Methods
public void <InstanceMethod>b__0()
Observe that <>4__this
field of the closure object is populated with an object reference but is never read from (there is no reason).
So what's going on here? Does the language-specification allow for it? Is this a compiler bug / oddity or is there a good reason (that I'm clearly missing) for the closure to reference the object? This makes me anxious because this looks like a recipe for closure-happy programmers (like me) to unwittingly introduce strange memory-leaks (imagine if the delegate were used as an event-handler) into programs.
That sure looks like a bug. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'll look into it. It is possible that it has already been found and fixed.