I have a simple database table with 2 columns "_id" and "title". and I'm displaying the data in a spinner, and it works well.
but I need to add one more item at the top of the spinner list that is not from the database with id = 0 and title = "not specified";
Spinner list = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.spinner);
Cursor cursor = database.getAll(); // returns cursor with objects
String[] columns = new String[] {"title"};
int[] to = new int[] {R.id.title};
list.setAdapter(new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.object_item_simple, cursor, columns, to));
I need to know the selected item id from the database, i can do this with list.getSelectedItemId();
so I can't use ArrayAdapter instead of SimpleCursorAdapter, because i don't think that there is a method for setting the id for each item on the adapter. is there a way to do this?
You could create an object out of your id and title and build a list of these objects with the cursor. Then insert your artificial entry at the top top of that list.
Then when you construct your Adapter pass in this list.
Alternatively you could put a dummy value into your database, although that would be weird and maybe not possible depending on your query and data. The ArrayAdapter is much more sensible