Backgound steps
I am trying to use the npruntime files now and make a scriptible plugin (not sure how). But I dont understand why the plugin doesnt get loaded. This seems the basic of all basic. Any one have ideas on this?
#include "BasicPlugin.h"
NPError NP_Initialize(NPNetscapeFuncs* bFuncs, NPPluginFuncs* pFuncs)
MessageBox(NULL,"Hello World","NP_Initialize",MB_OK);
// Check the size of the provided structure based on the offset of the last member we need.
pFuncs->newp = NPP_New;
pFuncs->destroy = NPP_Destroy;
pFuncs->setwindow = NPP_SetWindow;
pFuncs->newstream = NPP_NewStream;
pFuncs->destroystream = NPP_DestroyStream;
pFuncs->asfile = NPP_StreamAsFile;
pFuncs->writeready = NPP_WriteReady;
pFuncs->write = NPP_Write;
pFuncs->print = NPP_Print;
pFuncs->event = NPP_HandleEvent;
pFuncs->urlnotify = NPP_URLNotify;
pFuncs->getvalue = NPP_GetValue;
pFuncs->setvalue = NPP_SetValue;
//NP_EXPORT(char*) NP_GetPluginVersion()
//{return PLUGIN_VERSION;}
//NP_EXPORT(const char*) NP_GetMIMEDescription()
//{return "application/basic-plugin:bsc:Basic plugin";}
NPError NP_GetValue(void* future, NPPVariable aVariable, void* aValue)
{return NPERR_NO_ERROR;}
NPError OSCALL NP_Shutdown()
{return NPERR_NO_ERROR;}
NPError NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16_t mode, int16_t argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved)
MessageBox(NULL,"Hello World","NPP_New",MB_OK);
NPError NPP_Destroy(NPP instance, NPSavedData** save)
{return NPERR_NO_ERROR;}
NPError NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window)
MessageBox(NULL,"Hello World","NPP_SetWindow",MB_OK);
NPError NPP_NewStream(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16_t* stype)
NPError NPP_DestroyStream(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, NPReason reason)
int32_t NPP_WriteReady(NPP instance, NPStream* stream)
{return 0;}
int32_t NPP_Write(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, int32_t offset, int32_t len, void* buffer)
{return 0;}
void NPP_StreamAsFile(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, const char* fname) {}
void NPP_Print(NPP instance, NPPrint* platformPrint) {}
int16_t NPP_HandleEvent(NPP instance, void* event)
{return 1;}
void NPP_URLNotify(NPP instance, const char* URL, NPReason reason, void* notifyData) {}
NPError NPP_GetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value)
NPError NPP_SetValue(NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *value)
<center><h1>Basic Plugin Example for Mozilla Test Case</h1></center>
This test case is to demonstrate the Basic Plugin example. You should get a message box saying Hello World.
<center><embed type="application/basic-plugin" border=1 width=600 height=40></center>
If you're trying to run this on windows then it won't work; you have the wrong entrypoints for windows. The ones you have listed are the entrypoints for linux. See for FireBreath's windows entrypoints file; also explained in
Hypothetically there could be lots of other things; without seeing your whole project it's hard to speculate. It's showing up in about:plugins, so your strings resources are in place. Are you exporting the symbols correctly with your .def file? Does DllMain get called? (don't use a messagebox there, just log something or set a breakpoint)
Again, FireBreath is (aside from being a much easier way to create a NPAPI plugin) an example of creating a fully functioning npapi plugin; you may learn a lot from looking at it. If none of that works I couldn't begin to speculate without seeing your whole project; maybe as a github project or something?