as we all experienced one time or more, it sometimes is really annoying to have to replace your clipboard-content with other content (while you only need the other information once or so).
I thought we could solve this problem using autohotkey, but I have no clue how to.
I'm thinking about setting variables in a hotkey, like when you press CtrlC, the old clipboard-content gets stored inside AutoHotkey, and you could retrieve that old content by pressing i.e. AltV, while the normal CtrlV just returns the current value of the clipboard.
Could anyone help me with this please? I don't know how to permanently store values inside AutoHotkey.
Regards, Aart
I have found the perfect script. I modified it as I wanted it to work. You can now just use Ctrl+C and carry on copying, but if you want to retrieve something, just use AltLeftArrow and it's there! Have fun with it; I know I will. :)
global static AddNextNum
global static GetNextNum
global static HighestNum
global static ClipArray
global static ClipArray1
global static ClipArray2
global static ClipArray3
global static ClipArray4
global static ClipArray5
global static ClipArray6
global static ClipArray7
global static ClipArray8
global static ClipArray9
global static ClipArray10
global static ClipArray11
global static ClipArray12
global static ClipArray13
global static ClipArray14
global static ClipArray15
global static ClipArray16
global static ClipArray17
global static ClipArray18
global static ClipArray19
global static ClipArray20
global static ClipArray21
global static ClipArray22
global static ClipArray23
global static ClipArray24
global static ClipArray25
global static ClipArray26
global static ClipArray27
global static ClipArray28
global static ClipArray29
global static ClipArray30
if (action = "save")
if (AddNextNum < 30)
AddNextNum += 1 ;
AddNextNum := 1 ;
if (HighestNum < 30)
HighestNum += 1 ;
GetNextNum := AddNextNum ;
ClipArray%AddNextNum% := Clipboard
else if ((action = "get") OR (action = "roll"))
if (GetNextNum != 0)
if (action = "roll")
Send, ^z
Clipboard := ClipArray%GetNextNum%
if (GetNextNum > 1)
GetNextNum -= 1 ;
GetNextNum := HighestNum
Send, ^v
else if (action = "rollforward")
if (GetNextNum != 0)
Send, ^z
if (GetNextNum < HighestNum)
GetNextNum += 1 ;
GetNextNum := 1
Clipboard := ClipArray%GetNextNum%
Send, ^v
else if (action = "clear")
GetNextNum := 0
AddNextNum := 0
HighestNum := 0
suspend on
Send, ^c
suspend off
MsgBox Extended Clipboard controls: `r`n`r`nCtrl+C >> copy `r`nAlt+V >> paste `r`nAlt+Left Arrow >> cycle back `r`nAlt+Right Arrow >> cycle forward`r`nAlt+H >> display this message
DISCLAIMER: I didn't write this code myself. I just modified it. The original script can be found here.
This is how I solved it. I even store the values in a file, so they stay in "memory" after a reboot....
+#F1:: ; Shift Windows F1
Sleep, 50
Send, ^c
Sleep, 100
M1 = %clipboard%
IniWrite, %M1%, C:\Tmp\Robert.ini, Memory, M1
TrayTip, Copy,Data stored in M1,1,1
#F1:: ; Windows + F1
If M1 =
IniRead, M1, C:\Tmp\Robert.ini, Memory, M1
ClipBoard = %M1%
Send, ^v
TrayTip, Paste,Data pasted from M1,1,1
Then did the same for Windows + F2 ..... Windows + F4
Hope this helps
Oh, b.t.w. this strips all formatting from your data....