Consider this python program:
import sys
lc = 0
for line in open(sys.argv[1]):
lc = lc + 1
print lc, sys.argv[1]
Running it on my 6GB text file, it completes in ~ 2minutes.
Question: is it possible to go faster?
Note that the same time is required by:
wc -l myfile.txt
so, I suspect the anwer to my quesion is just a plain "no".
Note also that my real program is doing something more interesting than just counting the lines, so please give a generic answer, not line-counting-tricks (like keeping a line count metadata in the file)
PS: I tagged "linux" this question, because I'm interested only in linux-specific answers. Feel free to give OS-agnostic, or even other-OS answers, if you have them.
See also the follow-up question
You can't get any faster than the maximum disk read speed.
In order to reach the maximum disk speed you can use the following two tips: