I have a problem with a query:
I have 3 tables: products (id, name) settings (id, name) product_setting (product_id, setting_id)
for example: I would like to select only the products you have selected filters!
I do this:
SELECT p. *, s.id as setting
FROM Products p
INNER JOIN product_setting p2 ON (p.id = p2.product_id)
INNER JOIN settings s ON (s.id = p2.setting_id)
WHERE s.id IN (1,2)
but I get all products that have the 'setting' id = 1 OR id = 2. How to get only those products that have those 'setting' (AND)?
SELECT p.*, s.id as setting
FROM Products p
INNER JOIN product_setting p2 ON (p.id = p2.product_id)
INNER JOIN settings s ON (s.id = p2.setting_id)
WHERE s.id IN (1,2)
HAVING COUNT(*)=2; // size of IN()