I've run into this error
/tmp/ccK86fyk.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccK86fyk.s:69: Error: bad instruction `sw $3,0(r3)'
/tmp/ccK86fyk.s:70: Error: bad instruction `sw $7,4(r3)'
( The rest of this long code is in this paste.: http://pastebin.com/6YRx8rDh )
The CPU is an arm Cortex-A8 in a project built in maemo fremantle.
So well, I have little assembly knowledge, and I've been studying it and learning a bit more about it, but I can't seem to understand this error. I've also researched thoughout google for a few days now, and I can't find a concrete answer to my problem.
This is the header that has the lines that results in errors.: http://pastebin.com/k3D4cg0d
( Provided more informations on a comment, since I cannot post more than 2 links )
SW and LW are opcode for MIPS architecture (Load word et Store Word). You can't use this Assembly code with a Cortex A8.
PS: Sorry, I previously said that it was Aarch64 instruction. I was wrong...