This is my try to do it
filesfind . -name '*.java'
wc -l
sed '$d'
outputawk 'max=="" || data=="" || $1 > max {max=$1 ; data=$2} END{ print max " " data}'
then merge it to single line
find . -name '*.java' | xargs wc -l | sed '$d' | awk 'max=="" || data=="" || $1 > max {max=$1 ; data=$2} END{ print max " " data}'
Can I somehow implement counting just non-blank lines?
find . -type f -name "*.java" -exec grep -H -c '[^[:space:]]' {} \; | \
sort -nr -t":" -k2 | awk -F: '{print $1; exit;}'
Replace the awk
command with head -n1
if you also want to see the number of non-blank lines.
Breakdown of the command:
find . -type f -name "*.java" -exec grep -H -c '[^[:space:]]' {} \;
'---------------------------' '-----------------------'
| |
for each *.java file Use grep to count non-empty lines
-H includes filenames in the output
(output = ./full/path/to/
| sort -nr -t":" -k2 | awk -F: '{print $1; exit;}'
'----------------' '-------------------------'
| |
Sort the output in Print filename of the first entry (largest count)
reverse order using the then exit immediately
second column (count)