Search code examples

adding a value into the cache when the value isn’t in the cache

I want to program the basic CRUD operations of caching (creating new object , remove it , update...) i start by creating the object and displaying its name this is my code: (My cache name="default")



<section name="dataCacheClient"
    Version=,  Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />
        <host name="Amira-PC" cachePort="22233" />



Global.asax.cs :

     using Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching;

      namespace AppFabricCachingTest{
        public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
         public static string CacheFactoryName = "CacheFactory";
          void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Code qui s'exécute au démarrage de l'application

        var dcf = new DataCacheFactory();
        Application[CacheFactoryName] = dcf;
        DataCache myCache = dcf.GetCache("default");// cache name=mycache

        object myCachedItem = new Object();
        string myCachedItemKey = "MyCacheKey";
        myCache.Add(myCachedItemKey, myCachedItem);




        using Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching;

         namespace AppFabricCachingTest
           public partial class SiteMaster : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
           protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    public string GetCachedName()
       string name = null;
       string key ="MyCacheKey";

        var dcf = Application[Global.CacheFactoryName] as DataCacheFactory;

          if (dcf != null)
    var cache = dcf.GetCache("default");
    name = cache.Get(key) as string;
    if (name == null)
        name = "Windows Server App Fabric Cache ";
        cache.Put(key, name);

        name += " From Cache!";

        else name = "dcf is NULL";
           return name;


Site.Master :

        <form runat="server">
             <div class="page">
                <div class="header">
                   <div class="title">
               <%= GetCachedName() %>

After running I got always "The dcf is NULL" and not the name of the object Any idea please,

Thank you in advance


  • I think you're missing declaration of other object as part of DataCacheFactory initialization. The DataCacheFactory does not know, where it should gather cluster cache from. Please try the below code

    DataCacheServerEndpoint[] servers = new DataCacheServerEndpoint[1]; servers[0] = new DataCacheServerEndpoint("localhost", 22233);

    // Setup the DataCacheFactory configuration.

    DataCacheFactoryConfiguration factoryConfig = new DataCacheFactoryConfiguration(); factoryConfig.Servers = servers;

    // Create a configured DataCacheFactory object.

    DataCacheFactory cacheFactory = new DataCacheFactory(factoryConfig);