I have created a machine certificate. It appears in the Certificates (Local Computer)\Personal\Certificates certificate repository folder. Now I wish to extract its thumbprint using a command line utility.
Unfortunately, the closest thing that I could find is in this article.
I need to be able to perform this procedure on any Windows OS starting with XP.
Old, but maybe this will help someone. Put the following in a powershell script(.ps1) and run it. It will print the thumb to the screen. watch the word wrap in my paste.
$computerName = $Env:Computername
$domainName = $Env:UserDnsDomain
write-host "CN=$computername.$domainname"
$getThumb = Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | where { $_.Subject -match "CN\=$Computername\.$DomainName" }