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How to map different many to manys with same constraint

I have a data model that i have some concerns over. Here it is:

enter image description here

My concern is that it's possible to assign an application to a member, and then assign a role that is from a different application to the member.

Now, I know I can put a constraint on this to ensure that doesn't happen, but that seems like a bandaid. I would rather design the model so that a constraint was not required.

Can anyone suggest how to alter the model to ensure that a member can only be assigned roles from an application it is assigned to?


  • Usually, you run into this kind of problem when you've split a key. Fixing that split key, then using overlapping foreign key constraints is usually what you're looking for.

    create table cmember (
      cmemberid integer primary key,
      username varchar(15) not null,
      emailaddress varchar(64) not null
    create table application (
      applicationid integer primary key,
      description varchar(50) not null
    create table member_application (
      cmemberid integer not null references cmember (cmemberid),
      applicationid integer not null references application (applicationid),
      primary key (cmemberid, applicationid)
    create table role (
      roleid integer primary key,
      rolename varchar(25) not null
    create table crole (
      croleid integer not null references role (roleid),
      -- Include the application id in this table . . .
      applicationid integer not null references application (applicationid),
      -- and make it part of the primary key.
      primary key (croleid, applicationid)
    create table member_role (
      cmemberid integer not null references cmember (cmemberid),
      croleid integer not null,
      applicationid integer not null,
      primary key (cmemberid, croleid, applicationid),
      -- Note the overlapping foreign key constraints.
      foreign key (croleid, applicationid) references crole (croleid, applicationid),
      foreign key (cmemberid, applicationid) references member_application (cmemberid, applicationid)
    insert into cmember values (1, 'A', '');
    insert into cmember values (2, 'B', '');
    insert into application values (1, 'App 1');
    insert into application values (2, 'App 2');
    insert into member_application values (1, 1);
    insert into member_application values (2, 2);
    insert into role values (1, 'Admin');
    insert into crole values (1, 1);
    insert into crole values (1, 2);
    insert into member_role values (1, 1, 1);
    insert into member_role values (2, 1, 2);

    Member 1 is assigned only to application 1. So trying to insert a row that references application 2 should fail.

    insert into member_role values (1,1,2);
    ERROR:  insert or update on table "member_role" violates foreign key constraint "member_role_cmemberid_fkey1"
    DETAIL:  Key (cmemberid, applicationid)=(1, 2) is not present in table "member_application".