I apologize if this question has already been answered in: Topological Sort with Grouping
However, I do not completely understand the answer as I am new to graph theory.
I have the following items:
c01,a11,b12,a21, b22,c23, c31,b32, a33.
Each of these is a three tuple.
: 'letter to group by'
: 'group number where dependencies are valid'
: 'sort order of dependencies'
I would like to group by tup[0]
as closely as possible while maintaining the sort order described by the groups in item[1]
and item[2]
. Items 1,2 allow us to create the dependencies, from here we just need to create the groups.
so we can create the following depencies:
a21<-b22, b22<-c23
c31<-b32, b32<-a33
From here I would like to group by letter while maintaining the dependencies. One such solution would be
a11, a21, b12, b22, c01, c23, c31, b32, a33
We can see that a11<-b12, a21<-b22<-c23, c31<-b32<-a33, c01
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, Thanks, Rob
one solution:
def groupPreserveSorted(listOfPairs):
we want to group by tup[0], but maintain the order passed in according to tup[1]
>>> lop = [['A',0], ['B',1], ['C',0], ['D',2], ['E',2]]
>>> print groupPreserveSorted(lop)
[('A', 0), ('B', 1), ('C', 0), ('D', 2), ('E', 2)]
>>> lop = [['c',0], ['a',1], ['b',1], ['a',2], ['b',2], ['a', 3], ['b', 3], ['c', 3], ['a', 4], ['b', 4]]
>>> print groupPreserveSorted(lop)
[('c', 0), ('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('a', 3), ('a', 4), ('b', 1), ('b', 2), ('b', 3), ('b', 4), ('c', 3)]
>>> lop = [['c',0], ['a',1], ['b',1], ['a',2], ['b',2], ['a', 3], ['b', 3], ['c', 3], ['c', 4], ['a', 4], ['b', 4]]
>>> print groupPreserveSorted(lop)
[('c', 0), ('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('a', 3), ('b', 1), ('b', 2), ('b', 3), ('c', 3), ('c', 4), ('a', 4), ('b', 4)]
groupCount = 0
groupMap = {} #map contains the "level" to the highest group
maxGroupDic = {} #this contains a map from tup[1] to the highest level attained by tup[1]
groupTypeToMapItem = {} #this contains all the levels that items in tup[0] are placed on
for groupType, dependencyGroup in listOfPairs:
if groupCount == 0:
groupMap[0] = [(groupType, dependencyGroup)]
maxGroupDic[dependencyGroup] = 0
groupTypeToMapItem[groupType] = [0]
if groupType not in groupTypeToMapItem:#need to make new group
groupMap[groupCount] = [(groupType, dependencyGroup)]
maxGroupDic[dependencyGroup] = groupCount
groupTypeToMapItem[groupType] = [groupCount]
maxGroupTypeItem = groupTypeToMapItem[groupType][-1]
if dependencyGroup in maxGroupDic: #then we just need to check where to add to a new level or to an old level
maxItem = maxGroupDic[dependencyGroup]
if maxItem>maxGroupTypeItem: #then we need to make a enw group
groupMap[groupCount] = [(groupType, dependencyGroup)]
maxGroupDic[dependencyGroup] = groupCount
groupTypeToMapItem[groupType] = [groupCount]
countToUse = [item for item in groupTypeToMapItem[groupType] if item>=maxItem][0]
groupMap[countToUse].append((groupType, dependencyGroup))
else: #we haven't added this groupType yet just add to lowest level
countToUse = groupTypeToMapItem[groupType][0]
groupMap[countToUse].append((groupType, dependencyGroup))
return flatten([groupMap[count] for count in xrange(groupCount)], depth = 1)
this is a nice solution as it is o(n), but it is definitely not the cleanest answer:)
This is my solution
>>> data
['c01', 'a11', 'b12', 'a21', 'b22', 'c23', 'c31', 'b32', 'a33']
>>> data="c01,a11,b12,a21, b22,c23, c31,b32, a33"
>>> data=[x.strip() for x in data.split(",")]
>>> data=sorted(data,key=operator.itemgetter(0))
>>> data=sorted(data,key=operator.itemgetter(1))
>>> data=sorted(data,key=operator.itemgetter(2))
>>> data
['c01', 'a11', 'a21', 'c31', 'b12', 'b22', 'b32', 'c23', 'a33']
or as a single line solution
>>> data
['c01', 'a11', 'b12', 'a21', 'b22', 'c23', 'c31', 'b32', 'a33']
>>> [data.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(x)) for x in [0,1,2]]
>>> data
['c01', 'a11', 'a21', 'c31', 'b12', 'b22', 'b32', 'c23', 'a33']