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How to call java method from javascript method that located within another jsni method

 public class A{
    private void javaMethod(int a,int b){}

    private native void init()/*-{
            function OnMouseMove(e) {
             //blow calling doesn't work

As described above,how to make that invoking work?


  • Answered on the Google Group:

    Copied here for reference and convenience:

    First, int is not java.lang.Integer, so your method signature in JSNI is wrong; it should read javaMethod(II). (I suppose the @p:: while javaMethod is defined in class A is over-simplification in your question, but is OK in your code)

    You'll also probably have a problem with this, that might not be what you think it is. A common pattern is to assign the current object (this, at the time) to a variable that you'll reference from your closure:

    var that = this;
    function OnMouseMove(e) {
       [email protected]::javaMethod(II)(intVal, intVal);