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FetchExpression results appear to be cached, how do I prevent this?

I am using a FetchExpression against a RetrieveMultiple operation on a CrmOrganizationServiceContext within a windows service to fetch and process items out of a queue.

The first time this runs this fetches the items to be processed correctly. On subsequent calls using the same CrmOrganizationServiceContext instance it always retrieves zero entities with no errors thrown. I have added in new entities and reactivated existing ones that should be fetched using the FetchXml and they aren't retrieved.

As soon as I restart my service it creates a new instance of the CrmOrganizationServiceContext and fetches the new items.

What am I doing wrong here?

   public CrmConnector(string connectionString)
        Context = new CrmOrganizationServiceContext(CrmConnection.Parse(connectionString));

   public void FetchStuff()
        string fetchXml = "...";
        FetchExpression fetchExpression = new FetchExpression(fetchXml);
        EntityCollection entityCollection = Context.RetrieveMultiple(fetchExpression);
        // entityCollection.Entities is always empty following first run

    private CrmOrganizationServiceContext Context { get; set; }

Fetch Xml as requested, the only customisation is the count attribute which limits the number of items being returned (as this is a queue processor)

  <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" count="10">
    <entity name="xxx1">
      <attribute name="xxx_name" />
      <attribute name="createdon" />
      <attribute name="xxx_1" />
      <attribute name="xxx_2" />
      <attribute name="xxx_3" />
      <attribute name="xxx_4" />
      <attribute name="statecode" />
      <order attribute="createdon" descending="false" />
      <filter type="and">
        <condition attribute="xxx_exported" value="0" operator="eq"/>


  • It is the CrmOrganizationServiceContext that is doing the caching - I found the following worked a treat and the results of my RetrieveMultiple are no longer cached :)

    Context = new CrmOrganizationServiceContext(CrmConnection.Parse(connectionString));
    Context.TryAccessCache(cache => cache.Mode = OrganizationServiceCacheMode.Disabled);