I found a couple of articles how to use NHibernate with multiple database, for example this one http://codebetter.com/karlseguin/2009/03/30/using-nhibernate-with-multiple-databases/
But all articles are very old, and may be there is some new approach with NH 3.x? I looked in documentation but did not found anything, but maybe i missed somthing?
Does anybody knows some better way (native NH3.x way) to use NH 3.x with multiple database than described in this article? http://codebetter.com/karlseguin/2009/03/30/using-nhibernate-with-multiple-databases/
Thanks, Alexander.
AFAIK, there is nothing new in NH 3. But there are still more options to use several databases than in the blog post you linked.
use database
statement on sql server).