I have a 2d array with rows containing an id number, a name string, and the number of times the name occurs.
I would like to sort the array by count value in a descending order.
Sample array:
[1, 'Al', 3],
[2, 'Bea', 2],
[3, 'Chan', 1],
[4, 'Doug', 2],
[5, 'Ed', 3],
[6, 'Fey', 1],
Desired result:
[1, 'Al', 3],
[5, 'Ed', 3],
[2, 'Bea', 2],
[4, 'Doug', 2],
[3, 'Chan', 1],
[6, 'Fey', 1],
and ksort()
don't do what I require.
Use uasort() to sort with a callback function. Example:
function sort_callback($a, $b) {
if ($a[2] == $b[2]) {
return 0;
return ($a[2] < $b[2]) ? -1 : 1;
uasort($array1, 'sort_callback');