Could someone explain for me this part of the code from Lucky Stiff's Camping micro-framework:
# Simply builds a complete path from a path +p+ within the app. If your
# application is mounted at <tt>/blog</tt>:
# self / "/view/1" #=> "/blog/view/1"
# self / "styles.css" #=> "styles.css"
# self / R(Edit, 1) #=> "/blog/edit/1"
def /(p); p[0] == ?/ ? @root + p : p end
def /(p);
method name is '/' which receives the parameter 'p'
p[0] == ?/
check if the string starts with a '/'. Question mark is used to specify that the character is being used literally. You can also consider it same as '/'
p[0] == ?/ ? exp1:exp2
The second question mark is for conditional evaluation. If the expression(p[0] == ?/) is true then evaluate exp1 else evaluate exp2.
So in the above case if the string parameter starts with a '/' then return the value @root + p, that is prepend it with root. On the other if the parameter does not start with a '/' then return it as such.