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AMQP v.1.0 Exchange Definition missing

I was reading RabbitMQ specification on the AMQP 0-9-1 implementation and followed along the examples from the tutorial page which were helpful on explaining Exchanges and Queues. The new latest and major release of the AMQP spec v. 1.0 has been out for two months and according to this wikipedia article the definition of Exchange/fanout/direct/topic bindings have been removed. Here is the full spec for AMQP v1.0.

I've been reading the full v1.0 spec but it's very technical and has no general explanation of how it can be used in a scenario for example a Producer and consumer application or how it's different from 0-10 and how to correlate the old Binding and Exchange notion to the new one.

How does all this Exchange functionality fit in the new protocol. If there are example usages with code example of some lib implementation that would be helpful.


  • AMQP 1.0 in its current state does not specify broker behavior (i.e. how brokers handle and distribute messaages), only how to 2 nodes in AMQP network communicate between them self. There is draft document named "Broker behavior" that is intended to specify this area, but it is in very early stage since most of the 1.0 activity up to now has been concentrated around core protocol specification. So you could say that in some regards, 1.0 specifies much less than old 0.x versions

    So until "Broker behavior" part of the spec reaches at least some maturity, it would be hard to come up with 1.0 example that would be equivalent to publishing to exchange and subscribing to it, since different amqp 1.0 entities could implement it quite differently. Probably, many amqp vendors will implement similar behavior to their 0.9 products. For instance RabbitMQ experimental 1.0 implementation provides 1.0 access to their existing 0.9 broker. But that is just my guessing. Here are my some other thoughts about current state of AMQP 1.0