is there any way to accurately calculate the installments? remembering that the sum of these parcels shall be the total value of the? I usually do a loop which will split and burn in the database, if the number of parcels is 4, I record four records .. but I want to know if there is any way that I can piecemeal parts that final sum is accurate, as X = 500, P = 3
, if I dividor (500 / 3)
, 166.666
will give ... but the result is that I hope to get something like: X = 500, P = 3, p¹ = 150: p² = 150, p³ = 200
Legend: X = Order Value, P = Number of Parcels. , p¹, p², p³ = parcel 1, 2 and 3
Remember, the value of the order, will never be exact, I get 2598.90
, 2038.80
.. etc.
If I understand you correctly, here is my guess
$total = 23419.97; // total amount
$total_parcel = 24; // total parcel
// average parcle
$avg_parcel = floor($total / $total_parcel); // nearest integer;
// value for each parcel
$parcels = array_fill(0, $total_parcel, $avg_parcel);
// change last parcel value
// so, sum of all parcel = total
$parcels[$total_parcel-1] = $total-(($total_parcel-1)*$avg_parcel);