I'm running a db4o server with multiple clients accessing it. I just ran into the issue of one client not seeing the changes from another client. From my research on the web, it looks like there are basically two ways to solve it.
1: Call Refresh() on the object (from http://www.gamlor.info/wordpress/2009/11/db4o-client-server-and-concurrency/):
const int activationDeph = 4;
client2.Ext().Refresh(objFromClient2, activationDeph);
2: Instead of caching the IObjectContainer, open a new IObjectContainer for every DB request.
Is that right?
Yes, #1 is more efficient, but is that really realistic to specify which objects to refresh? I mean, when a DB is involved, every time a client accesses it, it should get the latest information. That's why I'm leaning towards #2. Plus, I don't have major efficiency concerns.
So, am I right that those are the two approaches? Or is there another?
And, wait a sec... what happens when your object goes out of scope? On a timer, I call a method that gets an object from the DB server. That method instantiates the object. Since the object went out of scope, it's not there to refresh. And when I call the DB, I don't see the changes from the client. In this case, it seems like the only option is to open a new IObjectContainer. No?
** Edit **
I thought I'd post some code using the solution I finally decided to use. Since there were some serious complexities with using a new IObjectContainer for every call, I'm simply going to do a Refresh() in every method that accesses the DB (see Refresh() line below). Since I've encapsulated my DB access into logic classes, I can make sure to do the Refresh() there, every time. I just tested this and it seems to be working.
Note: The Database variable below is the the db4o IObjectContainer.
public static ApplicationServer GetByName(string serverName)
ApplicationServer appServer = (from ApplicationServer server in Database
where server.Name.ToUpperInvariant() == serverName.ToUpperInvariant()
select server).FirstOrDefault();
Database.Ext().Refresh(appServer, 10);
return appServer;
1) As you said, the major problem with this that you usually really don't know what objects to refresh. You can use the committed event to refresh objects as soon as any client has committed. db4o will distribute that event. Note that this also consumes some network traffic & time to send the events. And there will be a time frame where your objects have a stale state.
2) It actually the cleanest method, but not for every db request. Use a object container for every logical unit of work. Any operation which is one 'atomic' unit of work in your business-operations.
Anyway in general. db4o was never build with the client server scenario as first priority, and it shows in the concurrent scenarios. You cannot avoid working with stale (and even inconsistent) object state and there is no concurrency control options (except the low level semaphores).
My recommendation: Use a client container per unit of work. Be aware that even then you might get stale data, which then might lead to a inconsistent view & update. When there are rarely any contentions & races in your application scenario and you can tolerate a mistake once in a while, then this is fine. However if you really need to ensure correctness, then I recommend to use a database which has a better concurrency store =(