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Structuring an editor for HTML image maps


I'm beginning to build a tool for creating/editing HTML image maps, or 'hotspots' in a picture, using Delphi 7. The concept of the application is clear, and described below. I've done similar projects before, and I'm sure I can do this with whatever approach I take by myself. What I need help with is figuring out the best approach to how to store image maps in memory.

An image map may look like this:

<MAP NAME="someImageMap">
  <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="10,28,54,51" HREF="some_page.htm">
  <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="54,28,111,50" HREF="some_other_page.htm">
  <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="111,28,199,49" HREF="another_example.htm">
<IMG border=0 src="../images/SomeImage.png" width=571 height =451 
  isMap useMap=#someImageMap />

An AREA is a region within the image, given a shape and coordinates, to place an invisible hyperlink. They're also called Hotspots.


I have a huge help file in HTML format which used to be in HelpScribble software, but now we're using WinCHM. HelpScribble had a tool called SHGEditor which did all this mapping for me. But WinCHM has no concept of image maps, and they're all over the code. So rather than trying to find a tool for this (which of course is the easy way out of this), I'm going to make one of my own.


Beginnings of Editor


The confusion begins with deciding where to store the primary data for the Hotspot areas temporarily in memory...

  • Directly in the HTML code?
  • In a TList?
  • In a TStringList?
  • In an Array?
  • In the TListView where I display a list of the hotspots?

That's the main question I'm asking.

Each I guess has its ups and downs. But the whole thing is thrown off when I think about the HTML editor. When modifications are done in either of the 3 edit tabs (either Image, HTML, or Hotspot List), it has to somehow synchronize those changes to the other two editors. So if a new hotspot is drawn on the image, of course I can put it to HTML no problem. But what about using the pure HTML code as the primary source? I'm going to be building/parsing it anyway, but I'm worried about performance with that. But then again, I can build a good back-end class to keep everything too. Which to consider the primary?


So it all boils down to should I keep the primary data in the HTML source, the list view items, a custom list class (THotspots), or where?

Any tips, tricks, or suggestions are much appreciated.


I do in fact ask long questions quite often, sorry!


  • For many reasons, I have decided to use the raw HTML as the base of the data. I was originally worried about performance using this approach, but since I found this HTML parser component for Delphi, performance isn't an issue. This parser can go through 50,000 tags in 1 second.

    The core advantage of using the core HTML is the fact that I can maintain the HTML data in its original format. Any other method would most likely result in having to regenerate the HTML every time I need it, which would come in whatever format my app puts it in. But since I have this parser now, it's easy to simply change tag attributes with the wink of an eye.