Could someone please tell me what is exactly wrong with the way my case statement is written. I can't see anything wrong with it, but the compiler keeps raising the following error, "Duplicate case item: '0'," for the line with HatchSytle.Horizontal. If I comment out that line it is fine and compiles without any error.
As you can see, none of the elements I am checking on are the same. So, I shouldn't get any error. Correct me if I am wrong.
case TMakerGraphic(obj).theBrushStyle of
HatchStyle.Min: BrushStyleCombo.SelectedIndex := 1;
HatchStyle.ZigZag: BrushStyleCombo.SelectedIndex := 0;
HatchStyle.BackwardDiagonal: BrushStyleCombo.SelectedIndex := 2;
HatchStyle.ForwardDiagonal: BrushStyleCombo.SelectedIndex := 3;
HatchStyle.Cross: BrushStyleCombo.SelectedIndex := 4;
HatchStyle.DiagonalCross: BrushStyleCombo.SelectedIndex := 5;
HatchStyle.Horizontal: BrushStyleCombo.SelectedIndex := 6; <<<< Line raising error.
HatchStyle.Vertical: BrushStyleCombo.SelectedIndex := 7;
Check the docs for horizontal and min. they refer to the same enumeration item.