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EXC_BAD_ACCESS within call to CGPDFContextClose

My iPad app encounters an EXC_BAD_ACCESS message within the call to CGPDFContextClose in the following method. It happens only for certain pages, and only for one document so far (which happens to be our help document, unfortunately).

- (CGPDFDocumentRef)newSinglePageDocumentFromDocument:(CGPDFDocumentRef)document page:(NSInteger)pageNumber
    CGPDFDocumentRef sourceDocument = CGPDFDocumentRetain(document);
    CGPDFDocumentRef newDocument = NULL;

    CFMutableDataRef consumerData = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
    CGDataConsumerRef contextConsumer = CGDataConsumerCreateWithCFData(consumerData);

    CGPDFPageRef page = CGPDFDocumentGetPage(sourceDocument, pageNumber);
    const CGRect mediaBox = CGPDFPageGetBoxRect(page, kCGPDFCropBox);
    CGContextRef ctx = CGPDFContextCreate(contextConsumer, &mediaBox, NULL);

    if (ctx)
        if (page)
            CGPDFContextBeginPage(ctx, NULL);
            CGContextDrawPDFPage(ctx, page);
        //EXC_BAD_ACCESS thrown here

        CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((CFDataRef)consumerData);
        newDocument = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider(provider);

    return newDocument;

The document which fails can be opened by Preview on the Mac. I can't visually identify anything distinct between the pages that fail and the ones that succeed.

Can anyone see what is wrong with the code, or suggestions for uncovering the issue?

EDIT: EXC_BAD_ACCESS is thrown within the CGPDFContextClose method, see below:

0x00e93d0e  <+0000>  push   %ebp
0x00e93d0f  <+0001>  mov    %esp,%ebp
0x00e93d11  <+0003>  sub    $0x18,%esp
0x00e93d14  <+0006>  call   0xe93d19 <CGPDFContextClose+11>
0x00e93d19  <+0011>  pop    %eax
0x00e93d1a  <+0012>  mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx
0x00e93d1d  <+0015>  test   %ecx,%ecx
0x00e93d1f  <+0017>  je     0xe93d30 <CGPDFContextClose+34>
0x00e93d21  <+0019>  cmpl   $0x43545854,0x8(%ecx)
0x00e93d28  <+0026>  jne    0xe93d30 <CGPDFContextClose+34>
0x00e93d2a  <+0028>  cmpl   $0x1,0x10(%ecx)
0x00e93d2e  <+0032>  je     0xe93d4e <CGPDFContextClose+64>
0x00e93d30  <+0034>  mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)
0x00e93d34  <+0038>  lea    0xc393b(%eax),%ecx
0x00e93d3a  <+0044>  mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)
0x00e93d3e  <+0048>  lea    0xad9eb(%eax),%ecx
0x00e93d44  <+0054>  mov    %ecx,(%esp)
0x00e93d47  <+0057>  call   0xe7176c <CGPostError>
0x00e93d4c  <+0062>  jmp    0xe93d59 <CGPDFContextClose+75>
0x00e93d4e  <+0064>  mov    0x18(%ecx),%eax
0x00e93d51  <+0067>  mov    %eax,(%esp)
0x00e93d54  <+0070>  call   0xdb25af <CGContextDelegateFinalize>
0x00e93d59  <+0075>  add    $0x18,%esp //EXC_BAD_ACCESS thrown here
0x00e93d5c  <+0078>  pop    %ebp
0x00e93d5d  <+0079>  ret 


  • We ended up submitting a bug to Apple (ID 10555351) and removing the caching functionality.