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Implementing page curl feature

I am creating a map application similar to the iphone map app. I need to have the page curl feature, same as that in the map app. Need help in this case.


  • I think you'll find that it's actually quite easy for a partial page curl:

    As stated in previous answers to similar questions, you simply need to present a modal view controller with UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl :

    When the view controller is presented, one corner of the current view curls up to reveal the modal view underneath. On dismissal, the curled up page unfurls itself back on top of the modal view. A modal view presented using this transition is itself prevented from presenting any additional modal views.

    This transition style is supported only if the parent view controller is presenting a full-screen view and you use the UIModalPresentationFullScreen modal presentation style. Attempting to use a different form factor for the parent view or a different presentation style triggers an exception.

    UIViewController Class Reference