I have read the help file for format.pval
and was wondering if this is a right tool to output numbers with proper format as far as significant digits are concerned
In this post:
R / Sweave formatting numbers with \Sexpr{} in scientific notation
a solution was proposed and I wonder if the function format.pval
is already here to do this.
And I guess that we can just use it in Sweave as \Sexpr{format.pval(a value/variable here)}
together with options for the number of significant digits.
Thanks a lot...
is specifically designed to format printed p.values, for example when viewing the output of lm
The workhorse for format.pval
is format
which is more general in purpose. So you should probably use format
or its cousins - prettyNum
and formatC
Footnote: for formatting dates (POSIXct or POSIXlt) you need the date formatting function strptime