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Declaring a predicate dynamic in gprolog

I have this code in Prolog:

goto(X) :- retract(player_at(house)), assert(player_at(X)).

But I still get this error:

uncaught exception: error(permission_error(modify,static_procedure,player_at/1),retract/1)

when I execute goto(foo).

I've read the dynamic documentation, but I can't figure out how to use it, at least in gprolog. Am I missing something?


  • Fix the first line by prepending :-:

    :- dynamic(player_at/1).

    Without :- the line would dreefine predicate dynamic/1, instead of executing the existing dynamic predicate.

    Other prolog implementations (but not gprolog) support this as well:

    :- dynamic player_at/1.