How do I attach an onclick event to a link_to_function
such that clicking on the event refreshes an element on the page (using partials)?
When the user clicks the generated link, I'd like to refresh the partial containing the code so that i
gets updated.
def add_step_link(form_builder) 'ADD_STEP_LINK'
link_to_function 'add a step' do |page|
form_builder.fields_for :steps,, :child_index => 'NEW_RECORD' do |f| 'inserted js'
html = render(:partial => 'step', :locals => { :step_form => f, :i=>@i+=1})
page << "$('steps').insert({ bottom: '#{escape_javascript(html)}'.replace(/NEW_RECORD/g, new Date().getTime()) });"
I have a partial in a larger form that contains just:
<%= add_step_link(technique_form) %>
I am attempting keeping track of the number of steps in a technique. In the form I am creating, users can add new steps to a set of instructions. Right now, I have default fields for steps 1-7. Adding one step, gets you step 8. The problem is that subsequent steps are numbered '8' also.
I am extending the "Multiple child models in a dynamic form" tutorial in for my own purposes.
Ok, I'm a little confused about what you are doing, but I'm going to try and make some suggestions.
Rather than use link_to_function, use link_to_remote. Link to function calls javascript, but what you actually want to do is call back to a controller that then runs some rjs to either replace the full partial or, more likely, append the new partial (containing the step) to the end of your current steps.
This is similar to all those examples you will have seen where people append a comment to the end of their blog comments (expect using link_to_remote rather than remote_form_for) see 3/4 of the way through
You can see the docs for link_to_remote here: