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Get names of functions injected into CFC?

I am using the technique detailed in this answer to manage a library of small utility functions. (Essentially, each function is loaded as a "mix-in" using cfinclude.)

I have need, however, to know the names of the functions that the object has (once instantiated). A cfdump on the object only shows the init function which is written directly in the CFC.

Some more detail:

I am creating the object in the application scope in OnApplicationStart().

<cfset application.udfs=createObject("component","extensions.udfs").init()>

However, to save the developers from having to constantly write, I thought I'd grab all of the functions and drop them in to the variables scope in OnRequestStart(), so that these hypothetical developers could just write foo().


Obviously, though, this needs to be dynamic and to happen for each of the functions in the object, no matter how many there are. If I repeat this line for every function I've lost whatever I'd gained by having a library that is dynamically generated.

I thought perhaps I could use a collection loop, but that was invalid. I am fairly certain there's a way to get the list of methods in an object, but I have not yet been able to find it.

Any clues?

By the by, my fallback is going to be to copy the application.udfs object to a local object with a nice short name (like "u") so that the developers can simply type, so no need to suggest that if what I want to do can't be done.


  • This should allow you to import all your udfs into the global variables scope:

    StructAppend(variables, application.udfs);