I am using the technique detailed in this answer to manage a library of small utility functions. (Essentially, each function is loaded as a "mix-in" using cfinclude
I have need, however, to know the names of the functions that the object has (once instantiated). A cfdump
on the object only shows the init
function which is written directly in the CFC.
Some more detail:
I am creating the object in the application scope in OnApplicationStart().
<cfset application.udfs=createObject("component","extensions.udfs").init()>
However, to save the developers from having to constantly write application.udfs.foo()
, I thought I'd grab all of the functions and drop them in to the variables scope in OnRequestStart(), so that these hypothetical developers could just write foo()
<cfset foo=application.udfs.foo>
Obviously, though, this needs to be dynamic and to happen for each of the functions in the object, no matter how many there are. If I repeat this line for every function I've lost whatever I'd gained by having a library that is dynamically generated.
I thought perhaps I could use a collection loop, but that was invalid. I am fairly certain there's a way to get the list of methods in an object, but I have not yet been able to find it.
Any clues?
By the by, my fallback is going to be to copy the application.udfs object to a local object with a nice short name (like "u") so that the developers can simply type u.foo()
, so no need to suggest that if what I want to do can't be done.
This should allow you to import all your udfs into the global variables scope:
StructAppend(variables, application.udfs);