I am using EPP to open and edit an existing excel document.
The document contains 2 sheets - one with a pivot table (named Pivot) and one with the data (Data!$A$1:$L$9899)
I have a reference to the ExcelPivotTable with the code below, but can't find any properties that relate to the data source.
ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(pivotSpreadsheet);
foreach (ExcelWorksheet worksheet in package.Workbook.Worksheets)
if (worksheet.PivotTables.Count > 0)
pivotWorkSheetName = worksheet.Name;
pivotTable = worksheet.PivotTables[0];
How do I get the name and range of the source data? Is there an obvious property that I'm missing or do I have to go hunting through some xml?
PivotTables use a data cache for the data store for performance & abstraction reasons. Remember, you can have a pivot that points to a web service call. The cache itself is what stores that reference. For pivots that refer to data elsewhere in a workbook, you can access it in EPPlus like this: