We're using Delphi 2007 and the oxmldom
Open XML
A normal situations input file looks similar to this:
<child>Some Text</child>
Now we have to process an input file that uses the CDATA
node type:
<child><![CDATA[Some special Text]]></child>
suddenly returns False
, but Node.Text
still works as expected.
I know that IXMLNode.IsTextElement
is just a convenience method, but I find this behavior rather odd.
As a workaround we're now using this custom method:
class function TXmlUtils.IsTextOrCDataElement(ANode: IXMLNode): Boolean;
Result := False;
if ANode.ChildNodes.Count = 0 then begin
if ANode.NodeType in [ntText, ntCData] then begin
Result := True;
end else
if ANode.ChildNodes.Count = 1 then begin
if ANode.ChildNodes.First.NodeType in [ntText, ntCData] then begin
Result := True;
My question is: Why does IsTextElement
not work with CDATA
nodes and is there an easier workaround?
It doesn't return true for Cdata nodes because that's just not the way it was written. It's unfortunate because consumers of XML data generally shouldn't be concerned with how text is represented in the serialized data. Your alternative is fine.