I have a simple url which does a 302 temp. move to another page.
I try to get to if the URL returns code 200 (for OK) to retrieve it and to stop if something else than 200 is returned.
My code:
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1,keep_alive => 1, timeout => 30, agent => "Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win98; U)");
my $response = $ua->get( $currenturl);
print $response->code;
The code above ALWAYS returns 200, even if its 302. I tested the header response using FireBug in Firefox. The URL returns "302 Moved Temporarily" in the Net module in FireBug. But the code above in perl returns 200. Why?
LWP::UserAgent automatically follows HTTP redirects.
You can disable such behavior by passing max_redirect
option set to 0
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( max_redirect => 0, env_proxy => 1,keep_alive => 1, timeout => 30, agent => "Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win98; U)");
my $response = $ua->get( $currenturl);
print $response->code;