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Create a webpart page with an webpart with in it programmatically

I want to create several webpart pages (programmatically) with custom web parts in it. I have searched the internetz but couldn't find anything that I could get to work.

Here is my code so far (where I create a welcome page, not a webpart page):

using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://v99-sp-public/"))
                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                    PublishingSite pSite = new PublishingSite(site);
                    SPContentType ctype = pSite.ContentTypes["Welcome Page"];
                    PageLayoutCollection pageLayouts = pSite.GetPageLayouts(ctype, true);
                    PageLayout pageLayout = pageLayouts["/_catalogs/masterpage/welcomesplash.aspx"];
                    PublishingWeb pWeb = PublishingWeb.GetPublishingWeb(web);
                    PublishingPageCollection pPages = pWeb.GetPublishingPages();
                    PublishingPage pPage = pPages.Add("Klanten2.aspx", pageLayout);
                    SPListItem newpage = pPage.ListItem;
                    newpage["Title"] = "Klanten";



Please help me out,



  • You can add webparts by using the SPLimitedWebPartManager and your webPart defininition URL. This example should get you started:

    XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(web.GetFileAsString(<Url to your .webpart file here>)));
    SPLimitedWebPartManager wpm = web.GetLimitedWebPartManager(<URL to your page>, Syste.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared);
    WebPart wp = (WebPart) wpm.ImportWebPart(reader, out errMsg);
    wp.Title = "My Title for this webpart";
    wpm.AddWebPart(wp, <Name of WebpartZone here, e.g. "Header">, <Zone Index here>);

    After you fill in the blanks this code will put a WebPart on your publishing page. In the end the most important functions are SPLimitedWebPartManager.ImportWebPart and SPLimitedWebPartManager.AddWebPart as you instantiate the WebPart manager for the publishing page.