When I request a page from a url, I get a different size response body than the proxy server that I am going through is logging. For instance, when url='http://www.yahoo.com', the response body size is ~215k while the squid proxy server is logging ~43k.
url = 'http://www.yahoo.com'
@webMech = Mechanize.new
@webMech.read_timeout = 60
@webMech.max_history = 10
@webMech.set_proxy(@proxyHost, @proxyHostPort, @userName, @password)
@webMech.user_agent='Mac Safari'
@webMech.agent.robots = true
puts @webMech.get(url).body.length
I was wondering if anybody had any explanation that I could research. Thanks in advance!
The 215k is uncompressed and the 43k is gzipped :)