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CSS selector by inline style attribute

Is there a CSS selector to select this element by its inline style attribute value?

<div style='display:block'>...</div>

something like



  • The inline style attribute is no different to any other HTML attribute and can be matched with a substring attribute selector:


    It is for this very reason however that it's extremely fragile. As attribute selectors don't support regular expressions, you can only perform exact substring matches of the attribute value. For instance, if you have a space somewhere in the attribute value, like this:

    <div style='display: block'>...</div>

    It won't match until you change your selector to accommodate the space. And then it will stop matching values that don't contain the space, unless you include all the permutations, ad nauseam. But if you're working with a document in which the inline style declarations themselves are unlikely to change at all, you should be fine.

    Note also that this is not at all selecting elements by their actual specified, computed or used values as reflected in the DOM. That is not possible with CSS selectors.