I'd like to reproduce the following raw solr query with sunspot
q=exact_term_text:foo OR term_textv:foo* OR alternate_text:bar*
but I am not able to understand if and how this is possible, through the standard sunspot interface, since it seems that:
method does not seem to accept multiple text/search_fields argumentsfulltext
, as if I pass either "foo"
or "bar"
the results would not matchq=*:*
are (as the name implies) applied as filter queries, and thus take no part in scoring.It seems possible to hand-compose the string (or possibly use adjust_solr_params
) but that seems hackish. Is there a better solution?
In Sunspot 2.0.0, there is undocumented and unsupported behaviour that does work. The author himself suggests it shouldn't and it probably won't in future versions.
You can pass multiple fulltext calls into the search definition
Post.search do
fulltext "foo", {:fields => :exact_term}
fulltext "bar", {:fields => :alternate}
This results in a solr query of (from the logs)
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/select
hits=1 status=0 QTime=7
Matching substrings is covered in https://github.com/sunspot/sunspot/wiki/Matching-substrings-in-fulltext-search
Changing the default operator (AND/OR) can be done by adding a option minimum_match 1 as mentioned in http://blog.tonycode.com/archives/192