I'm using TTTAttributedLabel (which uses CoreText) instead of a UILabel to be able to bold certain parts. It works great but the text doesn't look the same. It looks like it's using a different font. I've set it to be the same font (Helvetica) but one is a CTFont and one is a UIFont. Why do they look different?
for the UILabel: [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15]
for CoreText: CTFontCreateWithName((__bridge CFStringRef)[UIFont systemFontOfSize:15].fontName, 15, NULL)
UILabel Screenshot:
CoreText Screenshot:
The 'p' and the 'o' in "promenade" is the easiest part to see the font doesn't look the same. Letters are more round in the CoreText version.
UILabel uses WebKit style text-rendering that takes shortcuts in accuracy to improve drawing performance. CoreText (originally from OS X) takes the opposite, render exactly and as perfectly as possible at the expense of performance.
For iOS apps, reserve CoreText for only the most visibly critical UI (such as a headline) and where you can potentially cache the rendered output.