Almost all examples of the TELNET implementations in PHP are with sockets (fsockopen). This does not work for me, because it takes an unacceptable amount of time (~ 60 seconds).
I have tried fsockopen for other purposes and found it slow in contrast to cURL.
Question #1: Why are sockets that slow?
Update: I found we need to set stream_set_timeout function, and we can control the socket execution time. I'm curious how to set the proper timeout or how to make it "stop waiting" once the response is received.
I can't get the same thing implemented with cURL. Where should I put the commands which I need to send to telnet? Is CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST the proper option? I'm doing something like this:
public $errno;
public $errstr;
private $curl_handle;
private $curl_options = array(
CURLOPT_URL => "telnet://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:<port>",
function __construct(){
$this->curl_handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($this->curl_handle, $this->curl_options);
public function exec_cmd($query) {
curl_setopt($this->curl_handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $query."\r\n");
$output = curl_exec($this->curl_handle);
return $output;
function __destruct(){
And then something similar to this:
$telnet = new TELNETcURL();
print_r($telnet->exec_cmd("<TELNET commands go here>"));
I am getting "Max execution time exceeded 30 seconds" on curl_exec command.
Question #2: What is wrong with the cURL implementation?
sockets are not slow. sockets are the base for communication. Curl uses sockets to open a connection to the remote server. Everything works on sockets (i think). I don't think you can use curl to use a telnet service, well, that's not entirely true, i guess you can connect and send a single command. Curl was designed with http protocol in mind which is stateless (you open a connection, send a request, wait a reply and the close the connection). Sockets are the only option.
I am getting "Max execution time exceeded 30 seconds" on curl_exec command.
My guess is that the remote server is the culprit. check to see if it works using a regular terminal client, or increase the max_execution_time in php ini.
It seems it is possible to use curl for telnet, check this:
But i still think you are better off using sockets.